Behind every Linux distribution is a multitude of choices. What might be obvious to some, is not so obvious to other. This page will briefly explain why some choices were made.
- Why build Yor Linux?
- It's something I love to do. Some people love to paint, others ride horses, I love to create Linux distributions.
- Why make Yor Linux by recompiling RHEL, why not some other way or distro.?
- I have tried maintaining my own packages by myself, that just doesn't scale. So I had to base my distro off another, and customize it. I like rpm based distributions. I like the Red Hat culture and feel. The choice came down to Fedora or RHEL. I like a long term distribution versus one with a faster turnover. All those decisions lead to doing a RHEL recompiled distribution.
- I have some 32 bit only machines that still have plenty of life in them.
- Cuz it's hard and I needed a challenge. Also because there is a wave of inexpensive, yet functional arm machines.
- Two reasons. 1) I tried doing some real life things on a armv6 chipset, and it couldn't do what I wanted. 2) Fedora 19 (and thus RHEL7) compiled correctly on armv7
- Because neither of them had arm or i686. So if I'm going to recompiled for those two arches, I might as well recompile the whole thing.